Many of you have been asking about this fabulous sequined dress. I got it from Amazon and under $40!
Click here for it! Scroll down to the bottom of this post to find more details on this look.

Hi Friends! Happy New Year! This is a bit of a personal post, as I am sharing my New Year’s Resolutions with you, and why they are important to me.

Now that the holidays are over and the first week of 2019 has passed, I’ve had a little more time to reflect on my New Year’s resolutions. While I do feel every day is a chance to get inspired, be the best version of ourselves and work towards our goals, and that we don’t necessarily need a new year to feel inspired, proactive and goal oriented, I still like to take advantage of the new year vibes to reflect on my life, where I’m at and where I want to be.

2018 was really good to me, but at the same time, pretty awful for me. While I traveled a lot, got my BSN, and had a lot of success and growth, I also experienced a lot of emotional difficulties, anxiety and worry, which often left me feeling drained and at limbo, a place I absolutely hate to be. Nevertheless, I am still extremely grateful for all of it, it was another year at life, another year with loved ones and another year to celebrate, and for that I am grateful. For 2019 though, I really want to change things around. I feel excited and ready for it, and so after a lot of thought, I have come up with 3 New Year’s Resolutions that I would like to work on this year. I believe they will help me live a better and more fulfilled life, and will bring me more joy, peace, growth, love and abundance in all areas of my life. Here they are!

1. Live in the moment

2. Do things I enjoy and do them as much as possible

3. Be kinder to myself

I know these seem pretty simple and straight forward when you see them written down like this, but for me, they can be extremely hard.

They aren’t specific goals like; “I want to exercise an hour a day, 5 times a week”

I’ve had goals like these before, and they’ve been great, but for 2019, my overall goal is to change my mindset. This includes shifting my thoughts to work for me, benefit me, bring about positivity and attract good things. These 3 New Year’s Resolutions are mindset oriented, and are important to me because I am a big believer that our thoughts are powerful, and our thoughts change reality. If one thinks positive, then one attracts positivity. I can go on and on about this concept, along with other concepts like the law of attraction, energy work and universal vibrations, but that might be better suited for other future blog posts. Going back to what I said before, thoughts are powerful, especially the ones we constantly think about every day and put out into the universe constantly. To explain this in simpler words; what you think, you become, and it all starts with your mindset.



Everyone’s anxiety is different. I think the root of my anxiety comes from past experiences, past emotions and fears about the future. The future really scares me. The fact that time keeps going by scares me too. I think too much and focus too much on things I can’t re-do, control or possibly know about. Who else can relate? By living in the moment, focusing on the present and putting my thoughts and energy into whatever is in front of me at the time, will help my anxiety improve. I will worry less and my emotions won’t feel all over the place. Now, of course it is unrealistic to think that I won’t ever think back to past experiences or think about the future, everyone does this and its only natural. However, I want to get to a place where I won’t let that effect me so much and dictate my emotions. Focusing on the present moment helps me avoid getting too attached or emotional about those things. I also find comfort in the fact that the present moment is all we ever have. If you really think about it, NOW is what we have, NOW is the only thing happening and taking place, it’s the only thing we are able to take any kind of action on, so why not try to be more present and truly live in the moment?


Life often gets in the way. In between responsibilities, to-do lists, work and commitments, we forget life is short, and that it’s meant for so much more. No one ever laid on their death bed and wished they had worked more, right? So why are we living this way? Why are we prioritizing these things? I do get it, there’s things we really just have to do, it’s part of every day life, but we need to learn how to prioritize ourselves too, and make time for the things that truly make us happy. Looking back at 2018, I wish I had done more. More dancing, more painting, more urban exploring and hanging out with friends. More happy things! I was instead working a lot, and putting so much pressure on myself to get as much done as possible, crossing off things from my to-do list, saying yes to everyone and getting myself involved in too many commitments because I didn’t want to disappoint anyone. I was at times in auto pilot mode and was left so tired that I used my days off to do absolutely nothing, and felt horrible about it. I was not really living, and I was not enjoying life. At my core, I love creating, I love reading, writing, and doing art. I love dance, I grew up dancing ballet, jazz, tap modern and hip hop. I love to sing, I love meditating, I love exploring new places, and learning new things. I love too much, and I ignored all of it because I was too busy. For 2019, I will keep this in mind. I will remember how awful it felt to waste my days doing nothing because I was too tired, and I will remember to say yes to me and the things I love to do. I am promising myself that at least one day a week, I will do something that truly makes me happy, just because I want to.


I feel this is something we all struggle with! We put so much pressure on ourselves and can be our very own worst critic at times, I know I am. We live with ourselves every day and because of that, we should strive to make the conversations we have with ourselves more positive, more loving and more supportive. 2018 was a year that I judged myself a lot, I set standards for myself, and when I didn’t meet them, I felt highly inadequate and useless. I lost a little bit of my confidence and I wasn’t proud of myself. I focused on all my negative qualities and felt like a failure in so many areas in my life. I just felt like I couldn’t get a hold of my life the way I wanted to and couldn’t handle things the way I needed to. I wish that when I was feeling this way, I had helped build myself up, instead of further tearing myself down. I was so unkind and cold to myself, and made myself feel even worse. Looking back at it now, I realize that being tough on myself was so pointless and it didn’t benefit me in any way. It wasn’t until I started to be more loving towards myself that things started turning around for me, and that was a huge lesson! This year, I will practice more self love. I will be more patient and supportive towards myself and I will be kinder to myself. I hope someone reading this truly takes something away from this. Being kind to ourselves can be so challenging but so worth it. We deserve to give ourselves a break and love ourselves unconditionally. Life is hard as it is, and we need as much help as we can get, so let’s start with ourselves! Let’s help ourselves as much as possible. Kindness starts with you!

I hope you enjoyed reading this post, I know it was a bit personal but I really enjoyed writing it and letting you in. I want to know more about you! What are your new year’s resolutions? Can you relate to mine? Let me know!

red sequined holiday dress during christmas time at bryant park

I wish you all a very happy new year! Thank you so much for following me on this journey and always being super supportive! I am immensely grateful to all of you! I wish you much happiness, love, peace, health and wealth! Nothing but the best, now and always!


Shop my looks here

Add me on LIKEtoKNOW.it : @taliegalvez at https://www.liketoknowit/



  1. Amanda
    January 9, 2019 / 12:40 AM

    This post is so inspiring and right in about changing mindset for the new year! Thank you!!

  2. January 14, 2019 / 9:34 AM

    Such great outfits and ideas for the new year! Cheers!

  3. January 14, 2019 / 9:35 AM

    These are great resolutions! Also that dress is amazing!!!

  4. January 14, 2019 / 9:39 AM

    I love that your focus is on mindset rather than trying to force yourself to check super specific goals off of a list! I absolutely believe you can do it!

  5. January 14, 2019 / 9:47 AM

    I love your goals! And your outfit is adorable!

  6. January 14, 2019 / 10:00 AM

    Such great resolutions! I love the “be kinder to yourself!” Something I think I can do forester. I am my own worst critic. Beautiful dress and makeup too!

  7. Kristie
    January 14, 2019 / 11:53 AM

    This post is so relatable on so many levels. Thank you for this!

  8. January 14, 2019 / 3:39 PM

    I agree with the need to be kinder to yourself. I get caught up with comparing myself to others too much. I am trying to take a step back and remember this is my path, my life and I’m the only one who can make the positive changes I desire! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Eva
    January 14, 2019 / 5:35 PM

    I can totally relate! I need to be kinder to myself too, i think we tend to be our toughest critics. Love the photos and the personal post!

  10. January 14, 2019 / 6:36 PM

    What a cute style you have!! Thanks for sharing this!

  11. January 16, 2019 / 12:35 AM

    Those are all such great resolutions! I am definitely trying to live more in the moment this year as well as one of my resolutions!

  12. January 19, 2019 / 9:41 AM

    This is such a good post and a lot of those are things I need to adopt!

  13. January 28, 2019 / 12:08 PM

    I love your resolutions for the new year! I also love that dress on you so much xo