#EachForEqual : International Women’s Day


As an educated woman in my 20s, rooted in New York City, working in healthcare, with basic human rights and extremely fortunate to be able to work towards any dreams and goals I desire for myself, it is my honor to wish a happy International Women’s Day to all the strong, bold women that keep the world running!

Talie Galvez in the streets of Soho, wearing a t-shirt with the words "GIRL POWER" for women's day #EachForEqual
Talie Galvez in Soho, celebrating International Women’s Day

Today marks the global celebration of the many economic, cultural, political and social achievements women have accomplished! We have celebrated this day since the early 1900s, in various forms, with the first major event being a 1908 New York City march for better pay and voting rights for women. Just think about how far we have come since then! The impact that women, as a collective have had throughout the years is admirable and inspiring! I am so proud of all our successes and grateful to the women before me who paved the way for the women of today.

And while today is a day of celebration and empowerment, it is also a day to reflect on our progress and participation in the efforts towards gender equality, because there is still a lot of work to do!


This year’s IWD, focuses on the many #EachForEqual missions that have launched to help forge a gender equal world. These missions call for women as entrepreneurs and creatives, and women in the workforce, technology, sports and healthcare to raise awareness about the issues impacting women’s equality. They also call for women to take a stance to call out inequality while working to create more positive actions, to highlight and applaud where important gains are being made and celebrate other women’s achievements and accomplishments.

I encourage everyone (women AND men) to do your part and actively participate in these missions. Creating awareness is really important, but taking action is key! Individually, we are responsible for our own thoughts and actions every single day, but we are all, also parts of a whole. Our individual actions, conversations, behaviors and mindsets can have an impact on our larger society. Collectively, we can make change happen. Collectively, each one of us can help create a gender equal world, an enabled world.


How are you doing your part?

How are you supporting and empowering the women in your community? The women in your lives?

Simple but powerful ways to start supporting the women in your local communities, include volunteering at your local women’s shelter, donating clothes to your local Dress For Success – an international not-for-profit organization that “empowers women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive at the workplace,” and shopping at women owned businesses in your community.

To support the women in your lives, I think it is best to show up for them, let them know you see them, you hear them and you are there for them. Encourage them to follow their dreams, stand up for themselves and raise their standards in every aspect of their lives. Be a real friend, a mentor, or simply someone to lend a hand, and empower their growth and potential.

Let’s build our women up and celebrate them, not just today but every day!


I started the beginning of this post by mentioning some information about me. The most important being, that I am very fortunate to be able to go after any dreams I have and create a life that I can be happy with. I am in control and for that, I am grateful. I am also grateful to have a home, access to education and to live in a country that allows me to have these opportunities. Today, on International women’s day, I hope we can acknowledge that unlike me, or you, there are many women globally being suppressed by their government, not allowed to be educated, forced into unwanted marriages, homeless, physically and sexually abused without any protection, and lacking basic human rights. Though there’s a lot of work to do here at home, it is crucial to remember these women too. There is still a lot of work to do on a worldly level, and these women need us. They need to be seen, heard, fought for and advocated for, so I hope in your efforts to forge gender equality, you also stand up for the women who are less fortunate and support them in their fight too.

I’ll end this post, with a quote from Gloria Steinem, world-renowned feminist, journalist & activist who once explained;

“The story of women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights.”

So make International Women’s Day your day and do what you can to truly make a positive difference for women, everywhere. #EachForEqual

Six influencers posing for Women's Day photoshoot, with Babes Who Create, NYC Chapter. #EachForEqual
Celebrating International Women’s Day with Babes Who Create, The NYC Chapter https://babeswhocreate.com/

Photography featured in this post by  @shot_by_her and  @vanessalandstyle

#EachForEqual #IWD2020


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