Get to know Talie Galvez, blogger from New York City at www.taliegalvez.comThanks for stopping by! I’m Natalie, but my nickname has always been Talie!

I’m a 20-something year old, Family Nurse Practitioner and former ICU nurse from New York City, who is passionate about wellness, health promotion, health equity, advocacy for what I believe is right and the big apple. When I am not stressing over keeping my amazing patients healthy and the current state of the world, I love to blog! On my blog, you’ll find bits and pieces of my life, whatever I’m currently obsessing about, and everything else that I love! This includes all things health and wellness, self care, beauty, style, travel, New York City life & food, among other things!

My intention for my blog has always been to be a place of positivity, empowerment and inspiration to those who also love the things I do. I hope that my posts speak to you in the way they are intended to. They are thoughtfully written with a lot of love, and with hope they indeed inspire and empower you to be brave, be you, be all you want to be, and most importantly, live the life you want to lead.

If you have any questions about me or anything else you’ve read here, you can contact me. I always reply to emails and direct messages on social media. I love connecting with you, and I’m so grateful for all the love and support I’ve gotten from all of you. Thank you!




“I want to inspire and empower women through my lifestyle, beauty and fashion experiences, to put themselves first. Above all, to realize they have the power to feel confident in all they do, so they can live their best, unapologetic, most authentic life, doing what truly speaks to them.



Where can I find the clothes/accessories you wear and products you mention? 

–  Everything should be linked in my blog! You can find the clothes and accessories I wear under the SHOP tab, and on my Amazon Page. You can also find a lot of these things on my Instagram. If there’s still something you can’t find, feel free to message me on social media. You can also email me at, and I will send you the info!

What are your favorite stores to shop from? 


Where’s your dream vacation? 

– I want nothing more but to travel to Tuscany, Venice, Florence and Rome, in Italy. My dream is to be able to stay in Tuscany for at least 3 months, and eventually have a place there to call my own. I’d also love to travel to France, Switzerland, Amsterdam, Germany and Alaska, to see the Northern lights.

What is your favorite drink to order at a bar?? 

– I usually order a manhattan or whiskey & coke, but I’ve recently been loving moscow mules! If I’m feeling festive, it’s for sure going to be a margarita or a sangria!

What are pros and cons of being a trauma registered nurse? 

– In my personal opinion, pros include: getting to do what I love, helping others, feeling fulfilled and like I’m making a difference, seeing patients survive and get better because of the work we do, constantly learning and challenging myself, many opportunities for changing specialties and career growth, job security, flexible schedule that allows for work/life balance and a constant sense of gratitude for my health, life and my loved ones.

Cons include: tragedy and death are part of the job, which can effect one’s mental health in many ways. Constantly witnessing patients and their families suffer can be hard and overwhelming at times. This can lead to nursing burn out and compassion fatigue, which is a very well known term in the nursing world, since it unfortunately happens a lot. Other cons include long shifts, workplace violence and injuries, work can be mentally, emotionally and physically draining, constant body aches, dealing with and adapting to frequent healthcare changes, and the universal shift of increased emphasis on documentation rather than actual patient care. 

What are your favorite skin care products? 

– I mention all my current skin care favorites on my skin care routine blog post, and swear by these products!

What is something you always carry in your bag/purse? 

– Hand sanitizer and lipstick

How do you edit your pictures and what camera do you use? 

– Right now I use my Iphone 7S Plus to take most of my pictures, but I’m saving for a DSLR camera, so hopefully I’ll be getting one soon! I edit my pictures on my phone using the Lightroom app, and have created my own presets/filters on there, that I use!



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